Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New & Inexperienced

Hey, hey you there! Sitting down looking at these words come across. Stay here, you won't wanna miss what we'll bring you! Wait! Doesn't that sound like an advertisement- I think I should explain it better.

We are two normal girls who have a ordinary love for life and its aspects. We have our own contradictions and passions, but it always seems to go along with each other (I guess that's why were sisters). In our relationship, there's always one that has what the other one doesn't have. One of us, can be babbler, the other one thinks, or one can help the lady off the street while the other is asking for help to cross the street. One is in love with photography, and the other is the picture. You definitely understand the point, that I think we are trying to make. We aren't rich or poor, or middle class- we're just the people in between. Say hello to Lorraine, and Kelly!

Loves, kisses, and be chaotic!

P.S: We forgot to say this blog is not only about us. It's about everything around us.

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